Monday, January 6, 2014

Shore Acres Wave - Mesmerizing Fury

 Mesmerizing Fury - November 6, 2009

When winter storm enraged seas generate 25-40 foot swells then collide with an 80-100 foot cliffline, "magic" is made.

Nature at its best!

Spectacular Beauty!

Awesome Power!

Unbelievable heights!
Waves can tower 200 to 350 feet into the air.

I spent over six hours watching and photographing the wave action. I never tire of the wave action. This day, I took 641 photo's and 38 video clips.

A friend of my mother, sent her some wave pics. Little did we know that I was captured in one of the photos. I am standing next to a lady named Cheryl...(white coat)...we stood in the same location for over three hours while people came and went.

I ran into ole' friends of mine, the Langlie Family. They posed perfectly for this rare family photo.

Another good friend of mine, John, and his daughter were also out enjoying the power of the sea. This too is another perfect family portrait.

The Mouritsen Family were also out at Shore Acres. They sent me this video clip, (below), of one of their daughters, dwarfed by a crashing wave.


No other place on earth puts on a show quite like Shore Acres.

This day, I saw several friends of mine, and met a couple visiting from Colorado, a biologist from New Zealand, another biologist from East Canada, a lady from Coos Bay without her camera, my photo buddy...(in the white coat)...from Coquille, and I chatted with a lady from Medford who heard about the wave action going on and she drove a good four hours to get a chance to witness the action.

Pictures of these powerful waves give us a visual of an amazing event. But pictures alone cannot do a Shore Acres Wave justice. The video below is a compilation of my video clips and set to music. Prepare to be captivated...

The beauty found at Shore Acres is endless...even to the end of the day.

The winter wave action found at Shore Acres was the inspiration behind the name I chose for my email address:


  1. WOW - those are fantastic! I spent some time out there trying to get some photos of the waves, but I never did see anything that amazing!!
    But then, I didn't have the patience to wait that long either. ;)

    Beautiful photos (as always)!

    I'm hosting a Christmas gift exchange at my blog. If you're interested, come on over and sign up! :)

  2. Hi Steve!
    It's Jesica and Abe (3-Bs) here to check out your blog and say hello.
    Wonderful photos!
    Most of the plants are in and looking great. Very exciting to see the start of our orchard appear so quickly.

  3. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  4. We are so impressed with what you caught on video! We can't wait to see some of that action ourselves. Love your photography too. It was nice to meet you and visit with you at the nursery.
